Keynotes, General Sessions & Panels

Visual Studio Live! & Cloud & Containers Live! Keynote: The Cloud-Native, Run Anywhere Future of .NET 9 Is Here!


8:00am - 9:00am

Level: Everyone

Jon Galloway

Principal Program Manager, Developer Division Community Team


Rachel Kang

Software Engineer


James Montemagno

Principal Lead Program Manager, Developer Community


.NET is vast, open, constantly growing, and has an ever-evolving ecosystem that millions of developers around the world are leveraging to build applications for virtual on any platform across cloud, web, mobile, desktop, AI, ML, IoT, and more. Develop on any operating system you would like, with the tools you love, and the cloud you desire, .NET is world class, productive, performant, and ready for what comes in the future. .NET 9 is the latest release and is unlocking new scenarios for developers as AI and cloud-native development continue to change the world around us, and .NET 9 unlocks this new opportunity for developers to grasp. Let's talk about this new future that we are living in and how to leverage .NET 9 everywhere.